E Komo Mai (Welcome)

Theme Song “Voices From The Heart” by Cheryl Rae Mullen

Listen to hear the clip…

If you would like to download this song and save a life, click link to iTunes right here. All proceeds will go to World Impact Solutions to buy a Life Saving Product for a child in need!

Download Song and Save a Life

Welcome to Catch the Wave and Save a Life!

My purpose is to save the lives of children all over the planet and share this message with others. Here is my story and why I got involved with this mission!

A few months ago my heart was really searching for something that gave me purpose. I love my day job, but I felt like God had more for me to do on this earth. I was introduced to this company through a dear friend of mine Michael Smith. He shared wth me about life saving products that they were selling and how they were giving them away to children in need around the world. I wasn’t really aware of the current social issues around the world, but I was very open to know more. One thing I learned was that every 5 seconds a child dies from something that is totally preventable. I was stunned when I learned the statistics about the death of young children under the age of 5 years old. By the time you get to this point in the website here a child or two has died. This is really sad news, but I was so encouraged that World Impact Solutions was offering child saving products to reverse malnutrition with the Micronutrients packs, prevent Mosquito Born Diseases with the LLI (Long Lasting Insecticide) Nets, and clean dirty water to 99.9% with the water filtration systems they provide. And I was really excited to hear that all of these products have been approved by the World Health Organization and can go into any country in the world. I thought to myself what an opportunity to save the lives of people, impact communities, and transform nations. And I can do it right from where I live on this tiny little island in the middle of the Pacific.

I want to create a movement across our country and around the world with this message, “Catch the Wave and Save a Life”. I want a wave to grow so big that it sweeps over the heart of every person that hears this message and that they will take action to save the lives of our next generation. It is up to you and I to say, “Yes, I will help”!

One person can make a difference, but together we can change the world!

Will you catch the wave and save a life?

You Can Save a Life Right Here!

Will you join me in helping to fight Hidden Hunger, Malnutrition, and Dirty Water?

About Me

My name is Sandy Conway a.k.a “Sandy C”. I have lived on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii for many years. I love my home and enjoy sharing the beauty of the islands with everyone I meet. I have a beautiful home nestled in the rainforest of Haiku. I’m married with 4 children which are 2 dogs (Nani and Kami) and 2 cats (Koa Kitty and Jack). My husband is Tom Conway who is a professional musician here in the islands. He has toured with Willie Nelson and has played with many musicians here on the island such as Pat Simmons of the Doobie Brothers and Willie K. You can check him out at www.tomconwayguitar.com. What do I do? I work for a helicopter company here in the state of Hawaii. I love going up and getting photos for our social media sites. I also am the Co-Creator of Maui Women Live Out Loud here on Maui. Our mission is to share, care, and pray for the women of this tiny little island. I also love photography, encouraging others on a daily basis through Social Media, and seeking God every day of my life. He is the reason I am still here. (that’s another story)

As you can tell already my life is filled with the beauty of the islands, music and the spirit of aloha. I hope you can feel that through everything you experience here.




8 thoughts on “E Komo Mai (Welcome)



      1. Aloha Carole! Thanks so much for your support. I believe we all need to use our voices to raise awareness about the needs around the world. My mission is shine a spotlight on those who are making a difference in their different callings. Thank you for purchasing my t-shirts and helping me get to Africa to see the need first hand. The story is just starting when I arrive. Please continue to follow my journey and mahalo for your prayers.
        Sandy C aka Fly Girl


    1. Aloha Michael! I’m very excited about this journey. God is going to do amazing things! When we place what we have in His mighty hands, He can turn it into something beautiful. I love this mission and the message. God bless you my friend and Aloha Ke Akua!
      Sandy C


  1. Hey girl! I just listened to the song and the Lord brought two things to my mind. I love what this stands for and I love your story.Will you message me your address so I can send you a check for two tees! I gave Kris a drawing that all my kids drew on a piece of paper together the Lord highlighted in my memory a heart a little girl named scarlet had drawn. It is a heart made with hands ask Kris to see it. I also got another image of the heart with children’s hands coming out all around the heart. I could send you what I mean and if I can help in anyway with a tee shirt design I would!So grateful to have the opportunity to come to Gods House and meet such an amazing group of Believers! We were so blessed and I am still feeling the aloha agape love! I look forward to seeing how your story about His story unfolds..bless you for being a blessing!


    1. Thanks so much Jenny! I really appreciate your words of encouragement. So blessed we got to meet. I know you will be back on Maui again. God bless you on your journey as you paint for His glory!
      Aloha Ke Akua,
      Sandy C


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